Carbon Footprint - Deprecate old metric IDs

Summary (What?)

We are deprecating all of the legacy metrics that don’t include the scope as part of the ID. The following table summarizes the metrics affected and the alternative metric to be used in every case.

Deprecated metricAlternative metric

To enhance clarity and explicitly define the scopes considered in each metric, new metrics were introduced, such as replacing TOTAL_FINANCED_EMISSIONS with TOTAL_FINANCED_EMISSIONS_SCOPE_1_2. At the time of the release in January 2024, the legacy metrics were retained to ensure backward compatibility. However, it is now appropriate to proceed with their deprecation.

Business impact (Why?)

The updated naming convention for the metrics is designed to provide greater clarity regarding the scopes included in each metric while enabling the introduction of new metrics specifically focused on Scope 3.

Clients currently using the legacy naming conventions are required to migrate to the new metric IDs to maintain access to carbon footprint data, as the legacy metrics will no longer be supported.Modules and Endpoints impacted (Where?)

List of endpoints by module impacted by this release:

Carbon FootprintGET /clarity/v1/public/portfolios/{portfolioId}/climate/carbon-footprintChange
Carbon FootprintGET /clarity/v1/public/funds/{fundId}/climate/carbon-footprintChange
Carbon FootprintPOST /clarity/v1/public/funds/climate/carbon-footprint/metric-by-id/asyncChange

Deprecated Endpoints or Features (How?)

  1. Carbon footprint portfolio sync endpoint: will stop supporting the deprecated metric IDs in favor of the metric IDs including the scope
  2. Carbon footprint fund sync endpoint: will stop supporting the deprecated metric IDs in favor of the metric IDs including the scope
  3. Carbon footprint fund universe async endpoint: will stop supporting the deprecated metric IDs in favor of the metric IDs including the scope

Go-live date (When?)




Transition timeline (When?)

ReleaseNew SCOPE_1_2 and SCOPE_3 metrics added to: GET /clarity/v1/public/portfolios/{portfolioId}/climate/carbon-footprint GET /clarity/v1/public/funds/{fundId}/climate/carbon-footprint POST /clarity/v1/public/funds/climate/carbon-footprint/metric-by-id/async02/Jan/2024
AnnouncementLink to any communication or email sent12/Feb/2025
End of SupportNo more support provided for LEGACY metrics at: GET /clarity/v1/public/portfolios/{portfolioId}/climate/carbon-footprint GET /clarity/v1/public/funds/{fundId}/climate/carbon-footprint POST /clarity/v1/public/funds/climate/carbon-footprint/metric-by-id/async12/Feb/2025
DecommissioningLEGACY GET /clarity/v1/public/portfolios/{portfolioId}/climate/carbon-footprint GET /clarity/v1/public/funds/{fundId}/climate/carbon-footprint POST /clarity/v1/public/funds/climate/carbon-footprint/metric-by-id/async27/Mar/2025