
Carbon Footprint - new metrics for sovereigns

Summary (What?)

New Carbon Footprint metrics for sovereigns have been added to all Carbon Footprint endpoints. Find below the list of new metrics supported:


Business impact (Why?)

With the addition of these carbon footprint metrics for sovereign bonds, clients will now gain a more comprehensive view of the environmental impact of their investments, including both imported and production-related emissions. This enhanced visibility helps aligning portfolios with climate-related goals and regulations.

To enhance async API performance and ensure seamless integration when new metrics are added, this update will now require specifying the metricIds parameter to retrieve desired metrics. This improvement not only streamlines the process but also enhances the overall efficiency and reliability of our async APIs, namely:

  • POST /clarity/v1/public/securities/climate/carbon-footprint/metric-by-id/async
  • POST /clarity/v1/public/funds/climate/carbon-footprint/metric-by-id/async
  • POST /clarity/v1/public/organizations/climate/carbon-footprint/metric-by-id/async

Modules and Endpoints impacted (Where?)

List of endpoints by module impacted by this release:

Carbon FootprintGET /clarity/v1/public/portfolios/{portfolioId}/climate/carbon-footprintChange
Carbon FootprintGET /clarity/v1/public/funds/{fundId}/climate/carbon-footprintChange
Carbon FootprintPOST /clarity/v1/public/securities/climate/carbon-footprint/metric-by-id/asyncChange
Carbon FootprintPOST /clarity/v1/public/funds/climate/carbon-footprint/metric-by-id/asyncChange
Carbon FootprintPOST /clarity/v1/public/organizations/climate/carbon-footprint/metric-by-id/asyncChange

Enhancements (How?)

  1. New sovereign metrics: new metrics for sovereigns are available at every Carbon Footprint module, including async endpoints

Go-live date (When?)
