Carbon Footprint - Top sectors for a portfolio API
January 22nd, 2025
Summary (What?)
New portfolio API for sector level data for Carbon Footprint
Business impact (Why?)
This API will provide a list of the top 5 sectors contributing the most to the financed emissions of a specific portfolio.
Modules and Endpoints impacted (Where?)
List of endpoints by module impacted by this release:
Module | Endpoints | Action (addition/removal/ deprecation/change) |
Carbon Footprint | POST /public/portfolios/{portfolioId}/climate/carbon-footprint/sectors/top | Addition |
New Features (How?)
- New top sectors endpoint for portfolios: addition of a new endpoint that returns the top 5 sectors for a portfolio for each of the metrics requested
Go-live date (When?)
Transition timeline (When?)
Event | Description | Date |
Release | NEW POST /public/portfolios/{portfolioId}/climate/carbon-footprint/sectors/top launched | 16/Dec/2024 |