Climate - Carbon two degrees and forward looking scores API
November 13th, 2024
Summary (What?)
This release involves a structured deprecation and modification of several climate-related metrics and endpoints within the Climate - Carbon Two Degrees and Forward-Looking Scores API effective on February 28th 2025.
- Deprecation of certain endpoints and metrics that are no longer actively maintained or updated.
- Modification of existing endpoints by removing outdated metrics within the climate and carbon scores categories to ensure users only access accurate, current data.
Business impact (Why?)
The deprecation of the metrics and endpoints that are no longer maintained ensures that our customers receive accurate and up-to-date data. By removing outdated metrics and endpoints, we enhance the reliability and relevance of our Climate - Carbon two degrees and forward-looking scores API.
Modules and Endpoints impacted (Where?)
List of endpoints by module impacted by this release:
Module | Endpoints | Action |
Climate | GET public/portfolios/{portfolioId}/climate/carbon-scores | Change |
Climate | GET /portfolios/{portfolioId}/climate/carbon-scores/top-organizations | Change |
Climate | GET funds/{fundId}/climate/carbon-scores | Change |
Climate | GET portfolios/{portfolioId}/climate/carbon-two-degrees/top-organizations | Deprecation |
Climate | GET /portfolios/{portfolioId}/climate/carbon-two-degrees | Deprecation |
Climate | GET public/funds/{fundId}/climate/carbon-two-degrees | Deprecation |
Deprecated Endpoints or Features (How?)
- Carbon scores portfolio endpoint: Removal of the metrics
from the endpoint due to the fact that the data has not been updated for more than one year. - Carbon scores top organization endpoint : Removal of the metrics
from the endpoint due to the fact that the data has not been updated for more than one year. - Carbon scores fund endpoint : Removal of the metrics
from the endpoint due to the fact that the data has not been updated for more than one year. - Two degrees portfolio endpoint: Removal of the endpoint whose data has not been updated for more than one year.
- Two degrees top organization endpoint : Removal of the endpoint whose data has not been updated for more than one year.
- Two degrees fund endpoint : Removal of the endpoint whose data has not been updated for more than one year.
Transition timeline (When?)
Event | Description | Date |
Announcement | This release notes | 13/Nov/2024 |
End of Support | No more support provided for LEGACY endpoints: GET portfolios/{portfolioId}/climate/carbon-two-degrees/top-organizations GET /portfolios/{portfolioId}/climate/carbon-two-degrees GET public/funds/{fundId}/climate/carbon-two-degrees | 31/Jan/2025 |
Release | Changes released on GET public/portfolios/{portfolioId}/climate/carbon-scores GET /portfolios/{portfolioId}/climate/carbon-scores/top-organizations GET funds/{fundId}/climate/carbon-scores | 28/Feb/2025 |
Decommissioning | Shutting down: GET portfolios/{portfolioId}/climate/carbon-two-degrees/top-organizations GET /portfolios/{portfolioId}/climate/carbon-two-degrees GET public/funds/{fundId}/climate/carbon-two-degrees | 28/Feb/2025 |