EET fund aggregated data in SI APIs
January 22nd, 2025
Summary (What?)
You can now choose to use data reported by the product manufacturer on their EET (European ESG Template) for funds when this data is available. If you decide to choose this option, you should expect to find EET reported data when available and Clarity AI data when EET data is not available.
Business impact (Why?)
This is useful for you in case you prefer to have fund data reported by the fund manufacturer but if you decide to only use data aggregated by Clarity AI at fund level you can still do so. You simply do not pass any parameter and the data you will see only contains Clarity AI data.
Modules and Endpoints impacted (Where?)
List of endpoints by module impacted by this release:
Module | Endpoints | Action |
Sustainable Investment |{portfolioId}/sustainable-investment/securities/values | Addition of parameter |
New Features (How?)
Parameter to be activated if you decide to use EET fund aggregated data: useEetData=true
Go-live date (When?)