
ESG Impact - Deprecated endpoints

Summary (What?)

ESG Impact module is no longer supported since December 31st, 2023. With this communication we’re declaring
Deprecatedall product’s endpoints. See list below.

Business impact (Why?)

Clarity AI is aligning to the market in ESG Impact, moving our product towards a more robust and science-based methodology through the new UN SDGs Revenue Alignment product (soon to add Operational Alignment). No different use case covered through ESG Impact.

Modules and Endpoints impacted (Where?)

List of endpoints by module impacted by this release:

ESG ImpactGET /clarity/v1/public/funds/{fundId}/esg-impact/summaryDeprecation
ESG ImpactGET /clarity/v1public/funds/{fundId}/esg-impact/scores-by-idDeprecation
ESG ImpactGET /clarity/v1/public/portfolios/{portfolioId}/esg-impact/top-organizationsDeprecation
ESG ImpactGET /clarity/v1/public/portfolios/{portfolioId}/esg-impact/summaryDeprecation
ESG ImpactGET /clarity/v1/public/portfolios/{portfolioId}/esg-impact/scores-by-idDeprecation
ESG ImpactPOST /clarity/v1/public/securities/esg-impact/scores-by-id/asyncDeprecation
ESG ImpactPOST /clarity/v1/clarity/v1/public/organizations/esg-impact/scores-by-id/asyncDeprecation
ESG ImpactPOST /clarity/v1/public/funds/esg-impact/scores-by-id/asyncDeprecation

Deprecated Endpoints or Features (How?)

  1. Endpoints deprecation: All module’s APIs are being deprecated. Clients no longer have permissions for this module’s APIs and caller will received a HTTP 404 error message. Endpoints will be deleted at a later moment.

Transition timeline (When?)

AnnouncementVia email on July 7th 202430/Sep/2023
End of SupportNo more support for any ESG Impact endpoint31/Dec/2023
DeprecationThis communication will set all existing endpoints15/Jul/2024
DecommissioningAll ESG Impact endpoints will be closed down returning a HTTP 404 Not found error message.31/Mar/2025