EU Tax - Green Investment Ratio
Summary (What?)
Clarity AI is releasing a new async API for the EU Taxonomy’s Green Investment Ratio use case.
Business impact (Why?)
The Taxonomy Regulation sets out the EU Taxonomy disclosure requirements for financial undertakings (asset managers and insurers) subject to NFRD / CSRD.
The disclosure requirements include two templates that contain the Green Investment Ratio (GIR) together with other metrics that allow the reader to better understand how the numerator and denominator that build out the GIR are split by different issuers, activities, or types of securities. By calling this new endpoint, clients can receive all the fields necessary to complete this reporting use case. Not only does this new endpoint include new datapoints (e.g. sustainable bond flag) but also calculating fund ratios with the new fields.
Modules and Endpoints impacted (Where?)
List of endpoints by module impacted by these changes.
Module | Endpoints | Action (addition/removal/change) |
EU Tax | POST /public/securities/eu-taxonomy/green-investment/ratio/metric-by-id/async | Addition |
Go-live date (When?)
New Features (How?)
- Green Investment Ratio endpoint: Created async endpoint to return the Green Investment Ratio values in a CSV format.