
EU Taxonomy - Metric year column in Universe API

Summary (What?)

The optional column METRIC_YEAR exports now values for every row, including not reported (equivalent data) rows and green bonds securities.

Business impact (Why?)

The change aims to improve the transparency for every company or security exported in the Universe API feeds of the EU Taxonomy module. In previous versions, only the rows including reported values were exporting the metric year (year of the report). After this change, rows having equivalent data will also export the metric year used to assess the EU Taxonomy values for the given organization or security.

The change is backwards compatible with the previous version of the API given that the METRIC_YEAR is an existing optional column in the API. The files exported will change their size in comparison with the previous version of the files although the change should be always smaller than 1% of the total file size.

Modules and Endpoints impacted (Where?)

List of endpoints by module impacted by this release:

EU TaxonomyPOST /clarity/v1/public/securities/eu-taxonomy/{objective}/metric-by-id/asyncChange
EU TaxonomyPOST /clarity/v1/public/organizations/eu-taxonomy/{objective}/metric-by-id/asyncChange

Enhancements (How?)

  1. Metric year for equivalent data: the optional column METRIC_YEAR will be filled with the year of the metrics used to assess the EU Taxonomy values for every organizations or securities in both endpoints
  2. Metric year for green bond securities: the optional column METRIC_YEAR will be filled with the year of the metrics used to assess the EU Taxonomy values for every green bond securities in the securities API

Go-live date (When?)
