
EU Taxonomy - new metric year column at universe API

Summary (What?)

We’re adding a new optional column metric_year in both organizations and securities endpoints for the EU Taxonomy API.

Business impact (Why?)

This development will allow clients to understand the “year” the EU Taxonomy values were calculated. This is especially important when clients use company reported data to incorporate into their own mandatory disclosures.

There are 2 main use cases:

  1. Data freshness; in order to comply properly with the regulation (and prevent greenwashing) the client should use the most up to date data.
  2. Audit/traceability; when client is audited, it is important to have any indicators that explain the data point.

Therefore, knowing the year the data corresponds to is crucial.

Modules and Endpoints impacted (Where?)

List of endpoints by module impacted by this release:

ModuleEndpointsAction (addition/removal/ deprecation/change)
EU TaxonomyGET /clarity/v1/public/securities/eu-taxonomy/{objective}/metric-by-id/asyncChange
EU TaxonomyGET /clarity/v1/public/organizations/eu-taxonomy/{objective}/metric-by-id/asyncChange

New Features (How?)

  1. metric_year optional column: includes the columns METRIC_YEAR.VALUE and METRIC_YEAR.META in the endpoint response.

Go-live date (When?)
