MiFID - Universe APIs
Summary (What?)
Created three new asynchronous data feeds that will allow users to retrieve different sets of MiFID data, at universe level. Specifically, the data feeds will generate:
- All MiFID data, which will allow users to follow all aspects of the regulation.
- Classifier MiFID data, with the same underlying data as full MiFID dataset, but fewer fields. Also, for some quantitative fields, only ranges are provided, not the actual number.
- Sustainable Investment MiFID data, which is a subset of those MiFID metrics that are directly related to the Sustainable Investment Principles.
Business impact (Why?)
Customers will now be able to access MiFID data via API for seamless integration into their workflow systems.
Consumers utilizing the Full MiFID endpoint will see all relevant datapoints to comply with the Green MiFID regulation for securities and funds, including SFDR, Sustainable Investment, EU Taxonomy data, and the Clarity AI MiFID classifications.
Consumers using the Classifier will see Clarity AI MiFID classifications for securities and funds, as well as high level data on the underlying regulations.
Consumers using the Sustainable Investment API will see the SI categorization or percentage (funds), as well as the Do No Significant Harm and Good Governance indicators and percentages (funds).
Modules and Endpoints impacted (Where?)
List of endpoints by module impacted by these changes.
Module | Endpoints | Action (addition/removal/change) |
MiFID | POST /clarity/v1/public/securities/mifid/full/metric-by-id/async | Addition |
MiFID | POST /clarity/v1/public/securities/mifid/classifier/metric-by-id/async | Addition |
MiFID | POST /clarity/v1/public/securities/mifid/sustainable-investment/metric-by-id/async | Addition |
New Features (How?)
- Feature 1: All MiFID data, which will allow users to follow all aspects of the regulation.
- Feature 2: Classifier MiFID data, with the same underlying data as full MiFID dataset, but fewer fields. Also, for some quantitative fields, only ranges are provided, not the actual number.
- Sustainable Investment MiFID data, which is a subset of those MiFID metrics that are directly related to the Sustainable Investment Principles.
Go-live date (When?)