Parameter deprecation in Sustainable Investment - Portfolio Securities SI totals

Summary (What?)

Currently, we are delivering the parameter securityId. To be consistent with all our other endpoints and to provide the id type that the API user used to create the portfolio we will deprecate the securityId and provide a new parameter id that will correspond with the imputed by the API user.

An example of how the API call will look like:

"portfolioName": "Clarity Sample Portfolio",
"total": [
"securities": [
"idType": "ISIN", // This is a new parameter - <ISIN/CUSIP/PERM_ID/LEI>
"id": "AAXXBB1234", //This is a new parameter - Value will change according to idType
"securityId": "CLARITY_SEC_ID" // This parameter will be deprecated
"name": "T 2.375 11/15/49",
"securityType": "FIXED_INCOME",
"portfolioWeight": 19.980019980019982,
"metrics": [
// ...

Modules and Endpoints impacted (Where?)

List of endpoints by module impacted by this release:

Sustainable InvestmentGET clarity/v1/public/portfolios/{portfolioId}/sustainable-investment/securities/valueAddition

Deprecation of the feature (How?)

By February 28th, the parameter securityId will be deprecated. We advice the API users to switch to the use of idType and id as soon as possible and before the deprecation date.

Go-live date (When?)
