Sustainable Investment - Portfolio Organizations SI totals

Summary (What?)

Clarity AI is releasing a new Sustainable Investment (SI) API endpoint that will deliver SI values at organization-level for a predefined portfolio ID, along with the SI totals.

Business impact (Why?)

This endpoint will enable API consumers to obtain data points:

  • SI total
  • Criteria 1 - Contribution to a Sustainable Objective
  • Criteria 2 - Do Not Significant Harm
  • Criteria 3 - Good Governance.
  • Split between contribution to an Environmental and Social objective.

The new endpoint will help customer to obtain these values both at portfolio-level as well as organization-level.

Modules and Endpoints impacted (Where?)

List of endpoints by module impacted by this release:

Sustainable InvestmentGET /clarity/v1/public/portfolios/{{portfolioId}}/sustainable-investment/organizations/valuesAddition

New Features (How?)

  1. New synchronous API for Sustainable Investment - portfolio-level endpoint

Go-live date (When?)
