Async Job - Request EU Tax Values for Securities

This endpoint will make a request to asynchronously retrieve extensive EU Tax information.

The asynchronous process will generate a file with EU Tax values for the whole universe of securities or a subset of it if a list of ISINs is included in 'securityIds' parameter.
These metrics are dependent on the objective and kpi passed in the request
The metrics required must be added to 'metricIds' attribute and if none are requested, the process will return all of them.
There is also additional information that can be requested using 'optionalColumns' parameter, like NFRD, DISCLOSURE (equities, fixed incomes), METRIC_YEAR or GROUPED_NUCLEAR_FOSSILGAS aggregated values.
It is also possible to include sovereign bonds by setting the parameter 'includeSovereignBonds' to true

Please note:

This call will only return the identifier (uuid) for this task. You'll need this value to:

Please refer to Universe API's Technical documentation for a complete explanation of the workflow for these asynchronous job endpoints.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!