Create a portfolio with a unique name from a list of holdings using ISIN, CUSIP, LEI or PERMID as the idType for securities. When LEI or PERMID are used, the securityType must also be provided as either EQUITY or FIXED_INCOME. It is also possible to use CASH or OTHER as the idType and provide a custom id (although no scores will be provided for these holdings).
Portfolios can be provided in two ways:
- By providing percentage weights of each holding (specifying securitiesWeightDistribution as PERCENTAGE). In this case you must also specify a total portfolio value.
- By providing individual currency amounts for each holding (specifying securitiesWeightDistribution as AMOUNT). In this case, the total portfolio value is not required and you are also able to specify holding-specific currencies.
Once created, the unique id of the portfolio will be returned.