Download data for a universe
Downloading data for a universe asynchronously
The Universe APIs or Asynchronous APIs are designed for clients looking to retrieve information for the whole Clarity AI's universe OR for a list of specific ISINs and/or metrics/scores. Requests to these endpoints create an async job to return the requested data.
In general, the flow requires four steps:
- Make a
request to an endpoint - Retrieve the jobId or
that is provided in the response - Check the status of the job using the Async Job - Get job status endpoint
- Download the data either using the Async Job - Download result file or Async Job - Download compressed result file endpoints
Make the request
In this example, we will use the ESG Risk module to retrieve a set of scores for a set of organizations. Other Universe API endpoints work in a similar way.
To request the data, a POST
call to Async Job - Request ESG Risk Organizations Scores is needed, with the following information:
specifies which scores are being requestedpermIds
specifies which organizations the information is needed forscoringProfileId
Optional parameter which can be used to specify a custom ESG Risk custom scoring profile.
Sample request
"scoreIds": [
"permIds": [
Sample response
"uuid": "644381ce-93c5-4a6b-b0a7-32a5a62d4acb"
Check the status
To check the status of the job using Async Job - Get job status endpoint, provide the jobId
"statusMessage": "SUCCESS"
Download the file
To download the data in a CSV format use Async Job - Download result file, provide the jobId
It is recommended to use the Async Job - Download compressed result file endpoint for jobs related to requests at the universe level. This will return a gzip compressed version of the CSV file.
Updated about 1 year ago