Mapping between CUSIPs or ISIN and permIds

Mapping between different identifiers

The permId value is an unambiguous open-source identifier by Refinitiv that provides comprehensive identification across a wide variety of entity types, read more about the permId here.

Clarity AI provides measures on the issuer level in the same way that the permId does. As such, previously when extracting data on the ISIN level there could be a duplication of data if more than one ISIN belonging to the same issuer was requested. The permId removes the duplication of this data. Please note, that this identifier is not available for funds.

Clarity AI has provided a Mapping endpoint within the async universe of available APIs. This allows the correct permIds to be requested for a given list of ISINs. Please see below for an example:


To map an identifier to permId a POST call to Mapping is needed with the following information:

  1. securityIds specifies the list of security identifiers that should be mapped. Currently, the list can be either ISINs or CUSIPs
  2. securityIdsType specify the type of identifiers passed in the securityIds parameter. The type can be either ISIN or CUSIP
  3. permIds if mapping from permIds to ISIN or CUSIP, this parameter specifies the list of permIds that should be mapped
  4. idColumns specifies the columns that will be part of the result, either ISIN, CUSIP, or ALL
  5. limitResults specifies the maximum number of ISINs returned for each organization
  6. securityTypes specifies which type of securities will be returned, either EQUITY, FIXED_INCOME, or FUND. You can specify multiple to receive multiple types or leave blank to receive all available security types.
  7. additionalOrganizationColumnsspecifies additional organization columns to include; currently ORGNAME and ORGCOUNTRY are supported.

Sample response

This endpoint will return a jobId specified by the uuidparameter.

  "uuid": "3b8e8dfc-ee10-408f-9012-00746e46c029"

See Download data for a universe to learn how to check the response and download the response.