Retrieving data using Universe (Asynchronous) endpoints
The SFDR async endpoints require sending requested metrics within the body of the request The securities endpoint accepts a list of metricIds
along with either one or more securityTypes
(e.g. EQUITY), or a selection of securityIds
(ISINs). Passing empty lists will return all metrics available within the SFDR module for the entire Clarity AI universe of securities
The organizations endpoint accepts a list of metricIds
plus a list of permIds
(organization). Passing empty lists will return all metrics for the entire Clarity AI organizations universe.
Note: SFDR RAW DATA endpoints do not allow passing a list of securityIds
or permIds
. They will return raw SFDR data for the Clarity AI Universe of securities or organizations accordingly.
Some examples of the metrics available for the SFDR endpoint are shared below. It’s important to note that there are other metricIds
that can be requested but not included in this list. The exhaustive list of metrics is available in the Data Dictionary.
Using securities endpoints
POST /public/securities/sfdr/metric-by-id/async
The SFDR securities endpoint allows filtering by securityTypes:
"securityTypes": ["FUND","EQUITY","FIXED_INCOME"]
The exhaustive list of securityTypes
is FUND, EQUITY, FIXED_INCOME, as listed in the above example. Any combination of one, two, or all three security types can be passed
The SFDR securities endpoint allows a list of ISINs (securityIds
) to be requested in the following manner:
"securityIds": [
Using organizations endpoints
POST /public/organizations/sfdr/metric-by-id/async
Example of passing a list of permIds to select organizations
"permIds": [645372829]
Raw SFDR data endpoints:
POST /public/securities/sfdr/rawdata/metric-by-id/async
POST /public/organizations/sfdr/rawdata/metric-by-id/async
The raw SFDR endpoint will return disclosure information e.g., if data is reported, estimated, adjusted, calculated, and who the provider is e.g., Clarity, CDP, etc. A handful of PAIs are currently supported and we are iteratively expanding to support additional PAIs and extending the endpoint to return disclosure date/year.
Note: SFDR RAW DATA endpoints do not allow passing a list of securityIds
or permIds
. They will return raw SFDR data for the entire Clarity AI Universe of securities or organizations accordingly.
SFDR data - Synchronous Endpoints
You may request information at portfolio aggregated level by passing the portfolioId
as a URL parameter in the GET request
This endpoint takes portfolioId
and metricIds
as required parameters. If all of the metrics are required pass the metricIds
empty as in the example below for a requested portfolio.
If a select few SFDR PAIs are required, pass the required Activity ID as query string parameters with the GET request.
For the example response below we have passed the following:
- portfolioId = “617xx2060xx6x3495x344x5x”
- metricIds = “CARBON_FOOTPRINT”
"portfolioId": "617xx2060xx6x3495x344x5x",
"portfolioName": "Deloitte Portfolio",
"totalOrganizations": 13,
"metrics": [
"value": 25.91104,
"metadata": "NONE",
"units": "tons CO2e / EUR M invested",
"coverage": 15.384616
SFDR Portfolio Report
Given an existing portfolioId and at least one environmental optionalPAI and one social optionalPAI, you can request the SFDR Report for your portfolio. This is attached as a .docx document to the response of the GET request to the endpoint:
GET /public/portfolios/{porftolioId}/sfdr/report
Examples of passing a request for the SFDR portfolio Report can be found in our Endpoint Documentation
SFDR Data Dictionary Endpoint
GET /public/dictionary/sfdr
Updated 11 months ago